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DI Check

DI Check


Data integrity is an integral part of the existing regulations and maintaining compliance is essential for companies concerned. Through risk-based and practical solutions, we ensure your data integrity compliance using an appropriate control strategy from development to market production. We support you conceptually, during project implementation and in your day-to-day business.


Data we use to make everyday decisions must be reliable and trustworthy. This is especially important in a regulated environment, where decisions always have to be made faster and could ultimately affect patients. We support you in intrinsically ensuring the required regulatory data integrity through a proven control strategy in your organization. Our risk-based approach hones in on the critical aspects, eliminates them through appropriate controls and, with reliable data, provides the necessary time frame for your important decisions.



We are able to act as a consultant on all issues related to data integrity and ensuring compliance with appropriate controls.

Auditor / Inspector

As an auditor/inspector, we conduct data and report audits for you to ensure complete data integrity from raw data collection up until the final report. Our consultants act as part of your team.



Focused controls, stable process. While the three basic pillars for ensuring data integrity have already been covered under DI Compliance, DiQualis’ DI Check focuses on monitoring and optimizing the risk-mitigating measures for a project.


Project-specific DI check

Are you looking for a functioning interface between the laboratory and analytical project management? Do you need an expert view on data and processes to check data accuracy and traceability from raw data collection right up until the final report? Would you like to check the integrity and plausibility of project documentation?

Then you can trust us – your partner for DI checks.

Optimization of documentation & control processes

Have you always wanted to review your templates and optimize them so that data can be documented and interpreted more easily and clearly? But never had the time to do so? Does your project filing structure need optimizing? Are you concerned whether your paper-based documentation is sustainable?
Then you can trust us – your partner for sustainable documentation solutions.

Optimierung der Dokumentations- & Kontroll­prozesse

Wollten Sie schon immer Ihre Templates überarbeiten und so optimieren, dass Daten einfacher und übersichtlicher dokumentiert und interpretiert werden können? Hatten Sie aber bisher nie die Zeit dazu? Hat Ihre Projekt-Ablagestruktur Optimierungsbedarf? Machen Sie sich Gedanken, ob Ihre papierbasierte Dokumentation noch zukunftsfähig ist?
Dann wenden Sie sich vertrauensvoll an uns – Ihr Partner für zukunftsfähige Dokumentationslösungen.


Undertaking DI Checks
All of our auditors/inspectors have many years of industry experience in a regulated environment and are very familiar with the current challenges facing an analytical laboratory. They can therefore understand your situation and act as part of your team. Regular training keeps them up to date and enables them to implement and review current regulatory requirements in a practical manner. Due to their experience in a wide variety of companies, our auditors have an experienced “external eye” for documentation gaps and interface problems.
Optimization of control processes
Due to their experience in a wide variety of companies, our auditors have a keen eye for unfulfilled optimization potential. For example, non-optimized templates are often the cause of errors with well-known consequences. We optimize your templates, project structures, and help you plan your future documentation strategy. As a result, you will be able to optimize your daily workflows to benefit value-adding processes, use your internal resources even more efficiently, and be prepared for future challenges.


Improved project quality with DI checks by DiQualis:

Optimized templates and filing structures
Increased quality through targeted checks
Become inspection-ready with proven data integrity
Optimize potential with a neutral, external perspective
Optimized and future-oriented documentation concept
Protect internal resources by eliminating sources of error

DI checks are part of the internal control strategy for ensuring data integrity and are therefore essential. We can carry out your project-specific DI checks for you. With our experienced external view, we can identify gaps in your documentation as well as optimization potential for future-oriented and sustainable solutions. We see ourselves as part of your team and act as an interface between the laboratory and analytical project management.